Musikatti started as a privat daycare in a rental space from the city, in 2.1 1998. To this present building we moved in the summer of 2000. We attend to offer musical daycare to 1-6 years old children.
Nurturing principles in short
We use Freinet methods in our education, which means learning by doing. We offer perminate relationships. We honor child as an individual and listen wishes, when we plan our activities. We encourage children to express themselves.
Activity principles
Children are in groups by the age, when we have daily activities. Otherwise we play all together all around the house. All groups have music, art, sport, visits etc. during the week and lots of outgoing. We follow and work by the children´s needs.
Are 2 years old or under. In this group the nurses are always the same, it creates safety to the little ones.They have their own activities considering their age and skills.

3-4 years old. All activities are made by the play. They practise daily routines like eating, toilet, putting clothes on. Töpöhännät are shared in 2 groups: little and big ones.

4-5 years old. Activities are planned by the age and development. This group needs more challenge. We make projects and use time as much as needed.